Mid Juli (check their site for the latest info), the partypeople crawl out of the dark. DanceValley is their destination. A massive festival in Spaarnwoude just outside Amsterdam. Over there deep beats start at 10am en won't stop till 11pm. This year the festival is even multi-day and includes a campsite. At dancevalley 100+ DJ's from all over the world play their set.

More then 10 different stages, and over 50.000 partypeople. Dancevalley has started several years ago, as an small party for less then 10.000 people. As far as I know the first massive daylight party in Europe. The loveparade in Berlin started later I think, but overflows the number of 50.000 by far of course. After an upcoming popularity and party's with mainstages as big as a four floor building, and more then 90.000 partypeople, now days the number of tickets to the festival is strictly limited.

Pre sale tickets are sold out very soon, so if you want to be there, be quick! More info can be found at the official DanceValley website.

official website: Dancevalley.com


  Coffeeshop Guide Amsterdam | DanceValley





 coffeeshopguide - 2009
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